efficiency- hope i spelt that wright.

after my last thread, I started thinking about speaker efficiency, my speakers are rated at 87 db's which i think are pretty inefficent,so I am thinking I need a bigger amp to drive them, is this true? now lets say i enjoyed klipsch (which I do not) they are very efficient so would a low wattage amp perform better for this speaker vs. a high waggage amp? Is a guy wasting his money buying inefficient speakers? my thought are the lower the wattage the cheaper the amp so if you could match them up with really efficient speakers you could have a gem, any thoughts on this question are something i will truly enjoy reading. thanks


Showing 1 response by elevick

"the lower the wattage, the cheaper the amp" is way off line. I'd take a 7 watt 300B tube amp over a 200 watt mass production solid state amp any day. The 300B is probably more money too. Quality, not quantity!