effect of new cartridge

Hello all-----I currently have,for lack of a better phrase,an entry level turntable,the Music Hall 5.1. It comes standard with a Goldring 2200 cartridge. My question is--will upgrading the cartridge alone,without buying a whole new turntable,have a noticeable sonic improvement. I'm using a consonance PM phono pre- about $500 value---again I guess entry level and a Nordost dedicated phono cable.-Any thoughts on the value of replacing the cartridge would be appreciated..any suggestions as well

Thanks as always

Showing 1 response by effischer

Generally speaking, you'll want to have your transducers be complimentary to each other as a start and cartridges can make a huge difference. Not knowing what you feel you may be missing, it's difficult to speculate on what might be an improvement for you. Are you missing bottom end, is the sound harsh, etc?