Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?

I’ve struggled for a long time with sound getting much, much worse around dinner time, and in some rare cases I don’t get depth, clarity, dynamics and imaging back until around midnight. Like many people I’ve attributed this to noise on my AC lines. But recently I’ve been wondering if maybe internet service quality is at least contributing to the issue in some manner. When I run tests it appears that speed, jitter, and latency are all higher at times when the sound is poor. That got me wondering if anyone knows whether one type of internet service is better than another for HiFi streaming? For example, is ADSL or DSL better, or does it matter? And what about speed? Particularly interested in anyone who has real world experiences from experimenting in this area…

Showing 1 response by dht4me

I have observed degraded streaming from time to time. I have a well isolated setup with 2 of the Jcat M12 switches cascaded into an Uptone Ether Regen w sfp to my server. 
While I do not see the daily fluctuations I do notice a degradation over time and found that a hard reboot of my router gets the sound back to where it should be. 

The scripted  "Perform a hard reset" is what they always say to do when we call for internet problems, even though it usually has nothing to do with service being out.
From what the internet people say, the reset will reset the connection on their end as well and there is a whole host of things that they are doing in the background that can effect the network connection. We were being throttled frequently and once we were told that there was more than 1 person on out IP address. 

Who knows what is really going on on the provider side however for me I will reset the connection at least once a week.