Educate me on music streamers, please.

I just recently started a trial of Roon, Audirvana, Tidal, Deezer, Qobuz and Spotify.  In the past, I just played FLACs on Foobar or streamed on Google Play.  

Roon and Audirvana are pretty cool and I like that you can add Tidal and Qobuz but you can't add Deezer (I really like Deezer's Flow).   I don't like that I can't stream Deezer to my Raspberry Pi with RopieeeXL.  

So, I was thinking that maybe a music streamer that has all of these services would be a good idea.  Anyone have one they like?  Do they have their own "sound"?  I have a DAC  - so would the DAC sound change whatever comes out of the streamer?

Sorry for the basic questions.  I appreciate any help.


Showing 10 responses by soundchasr

@jjss49 thanks will check out darko.

@crn3371 that's the thing I dislike- one more thing to worry about affecting the sound.  

@wsrrsw I'm thinking under a $1k if I get one.  I don't really need the DAC.  I have an Ayre Codex that works fine. 

@djones51 - I am currently using a Raspberry Pi4 with RopieeeXL for Roon.  

I've watched the Darko videos and done a little more research.  Although I don't think a streamer is a must-have because I'm making do with the Pi and Chromecast presently, I do think I'd like to get one to make things easier.  I can definitely see the benefit of that! 

The key, and what would make it most valuable to me, is one that can handle everything from Roon and Audirvana to Amazon HD and Deezer.  Not sure how hard that will be to find.  

It seems like the Node 2i and the Cambridge Audio CXN are both very popular.  

@veroguy - that is some awesome information!  Very helpful.  

What made you go with the DCS Network Bridge?
Well, based on all of the great info and @veroguys comprehensive post, I took the plunge with the Node 2i.  I like all of its features and, especially, that it can be modded/upgraded.  

Should have it tomorrow!

@crn3371 - I have been able to stream Audirvana to the Raspberry Pi without issue (DLNA).  

With regard to Audirvana vs. Roon, I like the sound much better with Audirvana.  I just don't like Roon's sound at all.  I will, however, use Roon because the UI is so much better and more entertaining.  Then I'll go to listen on Audirvana......
Thanks for that info!  The only thing I don't like about Tidal and Qobuz is that neither (as far as I can tell) has a good way of making a custom channel based on several artists or a playlist.  Deezer seems to be the best at this...
@veroguy -

I ended up returning the Node 2i.  Even though it could play Deezer I wasn't able to get all the functionality that I could get from the app on my laptop.  

I'm starting to look at the options you mentioned before (and my willingness to spend more has increased a bit)

  • DCS Network Bridge
  • NAD M50.2
  • SimAudio Moon Mind2
Still want Deezer support so beginning the research again.  Someone mentioned Innuos too. 

Why can't there be something that supports all the services?!

Still searching for the perfect streamer.....

Just received and set up the Node 2i.  So far, love it!  It's great having everything in one place, the interface isn't bad and it sounds pretty good to me.  

Especially happy that it streams Deezer since I couldn't send their stream to my Raspberry Pi.

Look forward to researching some of the upgrades available for the Node 2i.