EchoBuster products, Does anybody use them?

I'm looking through the threads and find very limited mention of EchoBuster products. They seem to have an interesting line, EchoBusters, Double Busters, Bass Busters, and PHASE-4. I read the old Stereophile review online but as we all know, that’s just a review. Most of the recommendations I see are toward ASC products and that is the only acoustic treatment gear that I have any experience with. What draws me to their stuff is the floor stand suspended panels (aprox. 2'x4') not needing to be wall mounted and could easily be moved around. Finding a dealer to let me try some out is not possible and the retail price for me is prohibitive for just experimenting. Acoustic room treatment seems to be such a nebulous realm. What do you think? Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Showing 1 response by darkmoebius


I want to to be in your business!

Just joking, and you make an excellent point about DIY - not everyone has the tools, skill, space, time, or desire to build components. For these people, proven commercial products are the only real option.