Audioblazer, this was a good thing that you posted this information about this particular scammer. If you paid him through Paypal, Paypal has a resolution center that you can go to to fill out a report and they will investigate. Your money is guaranteed through Paypal. I'm sure that if you work closely with the Resolution Center they will help you to retrieve your money. If this guy scammed you, he will lose his registration on Ebay and will be banned from Paypal. By the way, I just checked the member Dingbat$ feedback on Ebay and he has 4 positive feedbacks and no negatives. If he ripped you off for $600.00USD, why didn't you at least give him a negative feedback there to warn other buyers? Also, I recently won an auction for a particular gemstone from a seller in Singapore. I paid him with paypal. After two months and no gemstone as well as no replies to my emails, I filed a dispute in the Paypal resolution Center. Within one week, paypal gave me a full refund. I really do hope that you can get your money back. I know that this is a serious issue and my light-hearted joking was probably inappropriate. Please forgive my lack of diplomacy. Have a great weekend and I wish you well.