EAT E-Glo Petite Hybrid phono stage

I’m considering upgrading my PS Audio Nuwave phono stage and the EAT was recommended by a dealer I’ve purchased from in the past. Has anyone compared or own the EAT E-Glo series phono stages. The Petite is definitely affordable at $1495.00 but will it make enough of an improvement over what I currently have?  

I’m using a new Zephyr MIMC Star cart on an Acoustic Solid TT with an Audion 300b Special Edition Integrated amp into Zu Soul Superfly speakers. 



Showing 1 response by steveashe

I’m interested in your feedback as well echore. I was in the same position a few weeks ago with a max $1500 budget (or so). In the end I decided to buy an American made product, the Sutherland 20/20 with their LPS power supply. Yes it was about $800 more but I don’t think I’ll ever have to upgrade again (famous last words I know). It’s hard to demo this stuff in good times, basically impossible now. So....for what it’s worth I know Ron Sutherland has been doing this for a long time and has many great reviews and makes these things in the . Sounds damn good with my Dyanvector 20x2l.