East Coast Service center referral needed for an ARC D-300.2 amp

Happy 2022 everyone!  I recently purchased a ARC D300.2 amp and would like to have it serviced; however, ARC has informed me that they will not service the piece any longer nor do they have any replacement parts for this amp.  the ARC rep did say that a skilled and qualified service tech will be able to rebuild or restore any parts that may need repair.  Please help me with some locations that will handle any repair or service issue and will have the ability to restore discontinued internal parts. 





Showing 3 responses by mhinrichs34

i love the amp, its been working great.  i purchased it maybe 2 months ago from a gentleman on this site.  Im not sure that it even needs anything, but ive decided when buying used gear that i am going to preemptively address future issues if i can help it by getting a pro to go over it as a preventative measure.  This was my first ARC product, my first used gear purchase, and my first time really using the Audiogon site and community.  I always loved music for many reasons, including its ability to help me focus and relax, etc., but now with my ARC  based setup, im fucking blown away.  its like a different song is playing sometimes than how it sounded on my basic stereo.  this will be a hobby or obsession until i can no longer hear.  I ran out and got a used ARC Ref 2mkii preamp like 3 weeks later, picked up used cables, and now im in the hunt for a really nice pair of floor speakers.  Thank you everyone for commenting and adding bits of knowledge and suggestions that people gain over the years.  Im starting out so everything helps.  Thanks again..

here is a portion of the email I received from Evan:


The nearest repair facilities that we have worked with before can be found below.  If you know of a service tech that is closer to you, we would still provide parts (if available).  The D series amplifiers are at the age where many of them need the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply replaced.  We do not have the parts for this procedure any longer, but a good technician can often retrofit modern parts to keep it running.


HEAR (High End Audio Repair) in Brooklyn


Technetron in Manhattan



If you would like to ask for local advice on an audio forum, I recommend www.audiogon.com.  It’s free to register and it’s the largest online audio community I am aware of.  There is a lot of good information to be found there.