Easily the best and most significant sonic tweak one could ever make!

Well hearing aids of course (if you need them and many don’t realize they do). I was diagnosed with asymmetrical hearing loss in my right ear over a year ago at only age 52. Entirely in the upper frequency. (As hearing loss per my ENT is almost always symmetrical, the protocol for this unusual diagnosis is a MRI brain scan to rule out a tumor; thank God everything was normal there).

Anyway, while expensive (partially covered by Insurance in most plans in the States), the different listening to music is in absolute terms startling. The proverbial veil is wayyyyy lifted particularly on lyrics but really the whole presentation is improved from the midrange thru to the top registers.

Keep this in mind before upgrading your electronics or speakers and perhaps instead upgrade the most critical precision instrument....your ears! I share this and if it helps one member on here, well that would be really great.

Showing 4 responses by wyoboy

thanks--sounds like i better talk to a hearing doc about this--always wondered what i've really been missing--is the stereo image weighted to the left side? i haven't really noticed that.  Is what i'm missing just "sparkle"--my HF loss is everything above 10KHz so maybe the high hat shimmer and super-annoying high E string violin ?  or is it more than that?
@aj523--Since your hearing is "asymmetrical" (I have exact problem you did--HF loss in right (too much rifle range)) are the aids also tuned asymmetrically ?  If you don't really need one for the left ear do you still have to wear one if you use one in the right ?
@sokogear--ain't that the truth--i leave mine in the system so the bars and pretty lights show up and dance, but it's not in the sound signal loop
@aural_grat--or try to tune a guitar when fully under the influence !  But i've got news for you--on 2.5 mg you are still "stoned"--only just enough for the music, but not enough to be stupefied.  As i'm sure you know being in the profession, today's medical grade is way more potent than most of the ragweed back in the 70's--Enjoy the upgrade !