earthquake subs

I have a piar of earthquake 15" subs and totem model one and links in the rear (7.1) I know I dont like the combination but what is it that I am not liking ???I am looking at geting the totem thunder any comments?

Showing 1 response by brainwater

I like the Earthquake 15 and own one . This excellent sub is a fantastic bargain IMO for what it does. I however find its attribute is crossing over as low as possible and giving the volume a touch of gain ... say 2 on a scale of 1-10 . It should be used to augment a nearly full range set of mains. This sub , in my experience is a very good theatre sub , as good as it gets for the money .It is also a very good 2 channel sub if used as described above. I do not find it articulate if you open up the crossover and volume and this may be where you are finding a problem . Totems are fast and detailed . You need a sub that can compliment the drivers speed . The Totem Thunder would work better . Better yet , try an Aerial SW 12 or REL . Earthquakes cannot be beat for some duties ... mating with a lightning fast monitor isnt its forte .