Early 80's - late 70's best audio products

With the intoduction of CD in 1982, apparently, the Hi-end audio equipment either dissapearead, either became too expensive, either started to use cheaper components, etc.

This is my perspective. And now as a historical curiosity - Which components (speakers, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, tuners, turntable, tonearm and cartridge) will you vote as the best components for the 1978-1982 period.

Thank you for your time

Showing 1 response by westlake


Almost all (large) format IE JBL 4350/55 series monitors. And if cost was no object Westlake HR1's with the HRX 4-way crossover which would run upwards of 40,000. Crown DC series, Phase Linear 700B, Luxman M series and SAE amps to name a few. Apt Holman pre's were and are still excellent preamps if rebuilt with new caps etc.
