Early 80's - late 70's best audio products

With the intoduction of CD in 1982, apparently, the Hi-end audio equipment either dissapearead, either became too expensive, either started to use cheaper components, etc.

This is my perspective. And now as a historical curiosity - Which components (speakers, pre-amplifiers, amplifiers, tuners, turntable, tonearm and cartridge) will you vote as the best components for the 1978-1982 period.

Thank you for your time

Showing 1 response by bobsyorunkal62f5

systemdeck IIX, rega3 with audio technica AT30E-MC.
great american sound: thoebe pre-amp, son of ampzilla power amp, b&w dm7 main speaker, empire 7000 rear speaker
after 27 odd years, i'm happy to report the system is still going strong (on my 10th cartridge).
i'd added a mirage centre channel, yamaha rear amp, when dvd snuggled into my living room.
i'd listened to a lot of components during the years of assembling the system and decided on the above mentioned and never looked back. they were within budgets of most for their days and became classics today.