Ear protection for concerts

I am going to see the Cowboy Junkies in a few weeks – can’t wait. Every time I see a concert my ears ring for days (and I’m sure I’m losing some hearing as well). I typically bring those cheap foam earplugs and tissue as a fall back. The earplugs sound terrible and I usually do not use them unless the volume is at “11”. I sometimes end up with tissue in my ears trying to tame the volume levels, the bad mix, and keep it listenable. Does anyone have any suggestions on audiophile or musicians earplugs at a reasonable price (nothing custom)?

Showing 1 response by hamburg

Any audiologist that fits hearing aids can make you a noise protecting ear plug. (like the rock stars use) Some plugs will attenuate only the high frequency sounds while others the entire frequency range. 4000hz is the most important area to protect. I googled one company that changes $125.00 for a pair. Reduces Levels throughoutthe entire spectrum by 15-25db. You can cheek it out at: http://www.earplugco.com/musician.htm
Good Luck
Richard (ENT MD)