Ear protection for concerts

I am going to see the Cowboy Junkies in a few weeks – can’t wait. Every time I see a concert my ears ring for days (and I’m sure I’m losing some hearing as well). I typically bring those cheap foam earplugs and tissue as a fall back. The earplugs sound terrible and I usually do not use them unless the volume is at “11”. I sometimes end up with tissue in my ears trying to tame the volume levels, the bad mix, and keep it listenable. Does anyone have any suggestions on audiophile or musicians earplugs at a reasonable price (nothing custom)?

Showing 2 responses by dreadhead

Ear Plugs for concerts??? The Cowboy Junkies no less. Not The Who mind you,but man, those Cowboy Junkies really blast it! What's going on here? One of my favorite things to enjoy in life is live music. Pure clean in the air music. The thought of blocking any of the sounds and sensations from reaching my brain at a concert does not make any sense to me. It's like wearing sunglasses to the best Art Museums the world has to offer. Take out the plugs, especially Springnr's son, and enjoy every tasty morsel the musicians have to offer.
I've worn ear plugs on the job for more then 30 years. I had special ones that are molded to the shape of my inner ears and I've worn those yellow ones you roll and place into your ears. These are highly effective at work and are my only experience with plugs. If there is a different type of ear protection made for concerts that only reduces certain frequencies and you guys are comfortable with utilizing them then I say go for it. Who am I to judge what works for you and you hearing? Most important is that we enjoy ourselves.