Ear Master One by Accoustic Reality

Any experience with Ear Master One by Accoustic Reality?
System configuration, cables, software, etc.
Thank you, All.
No, but I am very interested in Acoustic Reality as well. I have contacted them several times without a complete understanding of the products. I have asked Mr. Thomsen (Owner?) about their Media Center Computer and Master One Preamplifier through emails, but have not received a reply.

There is a gentleman here on Audiogon who owns some Acoustic Reality amplifiers and he speaks very highly of them. His system is featured on the Acoustic Reality website. You can do a search in the forums. This company seems to have potential, but they need some presence and support in the US.

Good Luck! I will be watching this post to see what information might come out. If anyone out there is supporting Acoustic Reality or has information about the products please post here or email me directly. Thanks!
Same here, tried to contact them but no response. I heard of them through Audiogon member Dazzdax.
I bought already Ear Master One with a pair of monoblocks Ear1001 by Accoustic Reality.My system sounds good but sims to me not enough bass.I belive my components is great, but all system need to be adjusted.Question is-How?
By the way, the service provided by Peter Thomsen from AR-ubelivable great.He answer my questions some time on the middle of the night(european time).
So ,I'm open for the system adjustment advises.
Hi Rnik, could you describe more precisely what is missing? Do you have trouble with deep bass do you want more midrange fullness? I think one of the characteristics of the eAR 1001 is the capability to deliver abysmal bass. I can say this because I also own the eAR 1001. Only I wish it had more midrange fullness: the sound would have be close to perfect in my opinion. I spoke Peter by phone when I was experiencing difficulties with the amps. He called me at home after some email correspondence, something I didn't expect. What speakers do you have?

Hi Chris
I have Andra by Eggstonworks full range speaker's. I use them before with a different equipment with match less quality. I have a perfect midrange now (my speakers have a 2 midrange drivers each), but compare with a previous setup, its low bass. I think it not because of Ear1001, it something different.I newer use device like Ear master One and PC for deliver digital signal.Now it is my sytem.
My big question, how I can properly adjust my system in order to get deep, reach bass? Should I do something with siftware (I addressed this question for Peter already) or cables, or sysytem configuration?