Ear Candy: Most startling recordings.

OK, we all respect great musical talent and muscianship, but sometimes you put in a CD and you get one of those startling zany recordings that make you smile it is so strange. Some of Neil Young's stuff is kind of like that. Alot of Pink Floyd is like this. Sounds racing across the sounds stage, shifting mike position in mid recording. What are your favorite "ear candy" recordings?

Showing 2 responses by bishopwill

I no longer have the vinyl nor can I remember the label but it was a direct-to-disc recording by Virgil Fox. On one of the tracks you can actually hear the engineer move one of the microphones while Fox is playing. There are also a couple of police sirens and an odd pedal note that was later revealed to be a garbage truck moving a dumpster outside the cathedral in Atlanta.

You can also hear an incredible blooper when he stomped(yes, Fox stomped) the wrong pedal in the Widor Toccata.

Thanks for the info. I think (but am by no means sure) that it is the gigue fugue in which you can hear the image move during the recording. I wish to heck I could remember where I got the scuttlebutt on that recording. I know it had something to do with the fact that Fox was pretty old and sick at the time and was running out of steam on the retakes. Apparently, somebody quietly picked up a mike stand and moved it some distance while he was playing. Takes a pretty good system to hear it but I'm sure you can find it if you want to invest the time. You can't miss the wrong note in the pedal in the Widor.

Will (feeling wistful for vinyl)