Ear 834P and Dynavector p-75

I need a new phono pre. and would like to know if any has compared the 2. The p-75 is newer and has more adjustments. I have a Scout TT with a ORTOFON/KONTRAPUNKT B.



Showing 2 responses by sberger

for low output carts, which i believe yours is, the p-75 is amazing. i currently am running it with my scout/glider l2 combo with terrific results.

if you would like to read up a bit more on it, check out this months hi-fi+ for a rave review.
the reviewer basically was taken by it's transparency and it's no frills approach, not only physically but sonic wise. he was so taken by the performance of the phono enhancer that he indicated that he would be using the p-75 instead of his dynavector head amp that costs several times more.

i'd recommend that if you're interested in the p-75, you hit a newstand and read this review.