I know they had 2 different blacks the first version was more of a flat black where the other had a primative attempt at the more current style. I own all ead front end products , the ultra disc 2000, the new dvd master pro 8000, and the new pro 8000 pre/pro all great stuff if you look on John marks' web site www.jmrcds.com I beleive that you will see the unit that you were hoping for under recommended components. As I am sure you know ead was bought out by alpha digital technologies/tara labs however to my knowledge some of the original people from ead still modify the older stuff under the name boegen electronics or something like that they may be able to upgrade your piece the more contemporary face plate came on the revised 2000 , check to see if there is much more to the upgrade than cosmetics it may be worth your while mine is the second generation and I am very pleased with the sonics. BTW while you are looking on John Marks' web site order a couple of cds besides being a great guy his cds are wonderful both in content and the recordings are marvelous . Good listening
EAD Ultra 2000 Cd Player
Do any of you fellow audiogon members known if ead made
The Ultra 2000 cd player in two different Silvers
One With matches with Jeff rowland products and the other
just regular Silver. I purchased the Utra 2000 about
three months ago But It does not match with my rowland
amp and Preamp. If that is the case could i Purchase
a Face plate from ead.
Do any of you fellow audiogon members known if ead made
The Ultra 2000 cd player in two different Silvers
One With matches with Jeff rowland products and the other
just regular Silver. I purchased the Utra 2000 about
three months ago But It does not match with my rowland
amp and Preamp. If that is the case could i Purchase
a Face plate from ead.