EAD Signature,New Krell 7.1 or tube preamp

I have Sim audio Titan,EAD Encore,Ariel 10Ts,center and surrounds. I looking for more clarity,and soundstage. should I go with another pre/pro or tube preamp like a bat or cat ultimate and run a passthrough and keep the Encore. I would appreciate your help on this. Thanks
It depends on budget, right? To do the ultimate would undoubtably be CAT over prepro, but you will need an outboard DAC for your digital or at least a really good one box CD. This is in fact what I'm doing in my system now. I also have the Titan and an EAD 8000 Pro (esentially the Sig-8 with buttons). If clarity and soundstage is high on your list, the EAD 8000 Pro doesn't give that much up to the CAT. The DAC I use is the ML 360S and a Sim Moon Eclipse. There's slighly more bass weight and slighly more pitch definition and a little more dense harmonics with the CAT, but it aint much and may not warrant the upgrade cost. If you're an audiophile first and occassionally watch movies like me, then the choice is to go for the more exoteric equipment, but if you let yourself just listen and forget the equipment, there isn't that much that seperates the CAT and the EAD 8000 Pro.

BTW, I used to own the Encore, too. A fabulous piece for the money, but the Sig-8 or 8000 Pro will make your jaw drop.

A friendly audiophiles experience.
I was in your same position, I have aerial 8B's, after auditioning the lex mc 12 and the krell 7.1, I bought the krell, musicly it was not even close, good luck
I have a Cary Tube pre, awesome! I also had an EAD Encore, I upgraded it to an Ovation Plus. That was a huge improvment. Before the upgrade the tube pre was by far better. Now its a tough call between using the EAD or the Cary tube pre.
Check out Mapleshade cables. They may make more difference than anything else. Pierre at Mapleshade told me that years ago and I wrote it off as pride of authorship... until I tried them and they've easily bested everything I've thrown at them since. They'll really open things up. Don't forget about the power cords. Ditto the above.