My procesor's remote has quit working. I suspect that it has no power. Are there batteries within?

And why will EAD not answer their phone?
Thanks for the phone nos., though I haven't been able to contact anyone yet. However, my remote does have batteries...3 of them...sulphated and leaking! So very carefully I pried them out, cleaned up the hard deposit on the aluminum, even the anodizing had been eaten off, and presto...it works!

So the lesson here is to periodically replace your remote's batteries. And especially, in my case, whenever you purchase gear with a remote...change the battery right away!
yes, enlightened audio design, formerly of fairfield iowa (also home of maharishi university-hence the "enlightened" in ead) was purchased by tara labs in december, 2001. tara showed some current and proposed ead products at ces 2002. look for lots of new stuff from ead soon. tara has the resources to really make ead into a big player in the ht and audio digital markets. -cfb
Here's what I've found out so far.
EAD was acquired by Alpha Digital Technologies,somehow associated with Tara Labs.
Their Ashland Oregon # is 541-488-5209.
I also heard some hearsay from a dealer that Ben Gosvig & Alstair Roxberg are still around.

For repairs refer to Boelen Electronics back in Iowa where EAD originated.
The # is 641-469-5092