EAC ripped files question

Hi. How do you check the command line format in your previously ripped FLAC files? I'm in the process of ripping a new batch but it's been over 10 years since I ripped my older files. I want to use the same command line format so when I merge them all there are no problems. Thanks for your time.

Showing 3 responses by audiogabby

Hi Jaybe,
I'm using EAC but i need to set the command line for the tags. For example; Song title, Artist, Album, Track #, Codec used. Is there a way to see the order I used in my previously ripped files?
Yes, that is the process for my new or soon to be ripped CDs.  What I want to know is, what name scheme I used on the songs that I ripped 12 yrs ago. Is there a way to open one of those music files in Windows and see what I did way back then? Thank you for your response.
Thanks Jaybe. You are right, I don't need the codec stated. The only reason I mentioned it was because my media player shows it but I realize that is not important. I'm going to try that later today.