E.A.R. 834P vs. Rogue Audio Ares

Hello to all,
I am a longtime reader of this forum but this is my first post. I am in the market for a tube phono pre in the 1500 to 2G price range and the canidates are the ear 834p or the rogue ares. just wondering if any of you have any experience with either one of these. I am also open to suggestions on a tube pre in this price range if anyone reccomends something different. This will be joined to a pro-ject debut III with an ortofon 2M red. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by pmc

I'm about to upgrade from a Rouge Stealth Magnum with other mods. to a Ares and I'm gonna roll the tubes to Sovtek 12AX7-LPS and Genalex - Gold Lion ECC82 / B749. this two pairs compliment each other rather well for what I have read in Part time Audiophile. I'm also thinking to upgrade to the blue Cinemag step up transformers and dampen the entire chassis. I will let you know how it goes.

Running a TTW Audio Eliminator with a Shelter 700 oh yeah!