Dynavector XV1-S and step-up

Is there a step up that works particularly well with the Dynavector XV1-S cartridge. The arm is a Graham Phantom and the pre-amp is a Shindo Masetto. I have no complaints going straight in to the Masettos MC input, but thought there might be a suitable step up to try out.

Cheers and thanks

Showing 6 responses by axelwahl

Hi Cincy_bob, here we go again...
It seems the perpetual misunderstanding when looking into SUTs, that the 'normal' recommended (experienced) best cart loading into a MC phono-pre (non-SUT) is incorrectly considered with SUTs i.e. 100 -150ohm as you suggest.
This is completely off the wall when using an SUT.

If you care to look-up e.g. Lyra's spec. sheets you will see what I mean. Their recommended values for SUT is about 1/10!
My experience, hands-on, tells me 6ohm x 2.5 = ~ 15ohm! is a good point to start and as I said, about a 1/10 of what you are suggesting.

Also, what Restock mentioned is much more where it's at, also when it comes to impedance matching.

Lewm, what you overlook is the voltage drop going through any SUT. It is not just 0.3 x factor 10 = 3mV and most certainly not when you decide to do some resistive loading to go from 470ohm to say ~ 15ohm.

I think the 1:20 suggestion of Restock looks like it, and then it be better to consider primary loading not to hog the secondary side with too big a resistor i.e. > 22k

My 2cents worth. There are some sites that explain the maths and I'm not going to do it again.

Hi Cincy_bob
I accept your critique, I guess my words where less then what some lines had called:".... and the patience of a teacher" (What song was that again?)
You see in the recent past I'd spend A LOT of time with this issue in numerous threads - so yes, I was sounding a bit exasperated, please accept my apology.
10/10 as far as my own experience goes and "another gentleman who pretty much nails it on the head"

I actually think that the "issues" arising in getting a proper impedance match has given SUTs a bit of a bad name(not mentioned by the other gentleman).

Also, as you pointed out, using an SUT shows up HUGHLY different loadings. It can sound absolutely impossible with e.g. 47ohm and really GREAT with 10ohm loading (as example with a 30dB unit).

Also there is the possibility of phono-pre overloading if wrongly matched. Some example scenarios I put see in: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1248136396

Hi Lewm,
>>> A transformer, any transformer, has no "natural impedance" per se. Transformers merely reflect impedances from primary to secondary or vice-versa. <<<

Sir, yes Sir! B U T, I did explain how 'natural impedance' comes about --- inverted commas and all.
Also 99% of phono-pres ARE using a de-facto impedance standard of 47k, hardly ever 50k, etc.

The calculation aught to make it clear that the 'natural impedance' of a 30dB trannie will be 50ohm for a 50k ohm input impedance or 100 ohm for a....

>>> ...in principle there are about as many possible problems with a SUT amplifying the voltage output of a very LOMC as there are with an active gain stage. <<<

The problems ARE different since some more insight is required with an SUT, which is often disregarded. Loading any MC 'straight' (no SUT) is pretty much 'dead easy', often by turn of a button.

As to the results, I dare say they are VERY much different, but this does not imply that you have to LIKE it. Raul's 'ear-equalization' comes to mind immediately.
PS: FM_Login (Roman Bessnow, alias 'Romy the Cat') swears by his trannie. This might be a MAJOR recommendation, or an equally major turn-off - depending where you stand with this expert source.
Hi Lewm,
>>I dislike comparative testing of SUTs that we see in published articles, where a guy interposes several different SUTs between the cartridge and preamp, without regard for any special measures that might optimize frequency response, etc<<

Very true and I couldn't agree more -- unless the author had really made sure about the impedance matching, and never mentioned it? Actually hard to believe.
I agree that THOSE tests therefore be rather misleading.

PS: Note, there is a TYPO in the other thread: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1248136396&openflup&1&4#1
Step 2: XXXX ... "31.6 * 31.6 * 47k ohm = 47 ohm"... XXXXX

it must read:!!!! "47k ohm / 31.6 * 31.6 = 47ohm" !!!!
Very sorry for that!
I suggest that Shindo and EAR might be different - B U T it is a known that there are better trannies than used simply for cost, inside some EARs. This MIGHT just be true to some degree with Shindo?
It could be settled by trying another external SUT, and as I understand it, is the OP's intension.