Dynavector XV-1s What is the REAL story?

I have read the performance parameters required for best sound in this cartridge, by the great HP,which I found interesting and perplexing.I then read,what seems to be a complete about face of HP's findings,by Mr Fremer,in Stereophile.Mr. Fremer does make a valid argument(we're talking tracking force)for correct alignment in the coils,and claims the mfgr's suggested force is the way to go.Makes sense,to me, NOT to stray from what the original designer has recommended!Yet,what do I know?It also seemed that MR Fremer was intentionally making the point,that HP was a bit clueless regarding downforce.

Well,now we have the "new audio pioneer"(I do like the guy,alot)Arthur Salvatore,on his "really fun to follow" web pages,stating that after much experience,with the XV-1s,he has concluded that MR Pearson was RIGHT,in recommending a downforce considerably higher than even the mfgr states.Obviously Mr Fremer would be incorrect.Even though his argument follows the line of ultimate reliability,as well as performance.All in a product costing about 4500 bucks--????

So,my argument is this---"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON"???

We have a very expensive product that has gotten a considerable amount of press,where the supposedly top reviewers in the industry cannot seem to agree on a parameter that will DEFINITELY affect both sonic performance,as well as long term reliability!

They claim that "Newbees" are in short supply,and the industry is shrinking.Hmm,I wonder why!

Do we ALL cancel our subscriptions,to these "once hobbyist oriented" journels?Do we rely on forums like this to garnish the "TRUTH",where there STILL are those who "jump" at the opportunity to tout their Favorite possessions,and put in a good word for their favorite designer/manufacturers?

Or do we start to rely on our own sense of perceptions,which(believe me)really begin to "sharpen up",after you have spent your hard earned cash!!

Any thoughts are always welcome!!

Showing 9 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

Thomas,I LOVED your thread.To me,it is SO true!!I have often thought that HP relies too much on his set-up person,as you simply know, he is "not about to get on his hands and knees",like the average hobbyist.Thusly,how much can be learned,about new products,requiring sensitive adjustments,if you don't really do it ALL yourself.Also,as you brilliantly stated:if you did not pay for it,how much attention to detail will you likely put in?

I really read the journals for entertainment,though occassionaly there is a good "think Piece"!

I recently heard the BIG NOLA speakers,with ASR-Emitter/nordost set-up.Truthfully I got a headache after about 30 minutes.Just my own taste,but the stage/dynamic flow/instrument sizing was too damn big,and annoying.Really!Sure it did everything described in the original review,but it reminded me of being at a wedding,and sitting too close to the band!Yet if one is taking everything the audio press states,literally,we become addicted to the "It's new,and being discussed alot,and there are pictures of it" syndrome.Of course the more experience someone gets in the hobby,diminishes this,but ONLY after spending a TON of money. Just my own take.

Raul,though you do make a correct observation,what it really comes down to is the fact that these are all just "people".Opinionated,as it should be,but no better able to differentiate the "correctness" of something than anyother hobbyist,who has been at it for a long time.

Of course there is sometimes an agenda,and also the lack of desire to "roll up the sleeves",to get at the "meat" of an issue.I doubt if I'd do any better,if I had to analyze stuff,all day long.I never wanted to be anything other than a simple hobbyist.

Yet it still doesn't let the people, who "influence" so many buying decisions,off the hook!At least not too easily!I always have this image,of HP,in a robe,with a pipe,and having his set-up man calling "hey Harry,come on down and tell me what you think".Followed by HP coming down a flight of stairs,giving a quick(bored)listen,and either giving a thumbs up,or down.Or using a pencil,where he breaks it,for rejection of said component,or doesn't snap it,at all.If he likes what he has heard.I know I've gotten carried away,but after the amount of time HP has been at this,he cannot possibly be as enthused about all the "stuff"(the componentry,and general dreck he is exposed to)he has to endure,and write about.

Yet,I would take his place,for what he probably gets paid.

Also,bear in mind that some observations cannot be taken at face value.For example:HP stated that he had issues with "line conditions,and poor wiring" until fairly recently.He then went on to rave about an amp,like the ASR(which I've heard),and the battery line stage.He felt it was incredibly quiet,and was blown away by this,and other aspects of the sound.Well,my friend,who has had a multitude of line problems,living 22 stories up,went through ALL the usual "line correcting" solutions.Until we finally(after a couple of years)got all the necessary "support products" in place.To say that he(my friend) NOW has supremely quiet lines is an understatement.He paid his dues,but we all learned something about the conditions affecting music reproduction.It would be all too easy,to proclaim my friend's Rowland as a worldbeater,but it's just good symetry at play.HP probably experienced something similar,but you can bet he didn't worry about it too much,and it was SO dramatic(though I did enjoy his little piece)to proclaim there is a breakthrough,now,in the area of amplification.Well,if you didn't have, admitted, "noise issues" previously,as you claimed HP,would the amp still be considered a breakthrough?Based upon what I heard,NO!I'm not trying to be smug.It is a really fine amp,but I like a good number of amps,at least as much.Which leaves us all to make our own judgements,in the first place.

That is one reason why,when HP claims a certain product,from the not too distant past,is now bettered by a newer model,or type,I ALWAYS preface his comment with "how can he be so sure,since he didn't have all his "noise factors" set correctly,originally.How could he know,for sure,how the older unit would have behaved if it had been set-up as well as the current standard.

Lends creedence to my original argument,that we must rely,SOLEY,on our own intuitive judgements.Spend your own hard earned cash,and you "get smart" alot faster.Also,don't get too overwhelmed with all the technical "mumbo jumbo".

Grooves,it would have been "nice" if you had addressed the subject of the "criticality"(hope that's a word)of the dampening fluid,between the Graham 2.2,and the newer Phantom.As I'm sure you know,the 2.2 is a "Devil" to voice,as the fluid is rediculously critical,in ultimate timbre obtained.Makes or breaks the sound,and many will not go to the length needed.How 'bout the Phantom?Is it less so?This IS a critical parameter for those whose diet consists of more than re-issued rock!
Sorry,if it seems I'm trying to bait you!Really I'm not,and you surely must have a tough schedule.I could not do the overall fine,and consistent work you do.Regardless of the "human nature" criticism,you might take.Yet,and yet(sound familiar?)it is something that "would not be a bad thing to bring up in a future column,if you aren't comfortable doing so here.There are a hell of alot of Grahams out there,so it's pretty viable to cover.

Raul,regarding the Titan-I,you still have to take the overall set-up,and room into consideration.The Titan that I have access to,is in the INCREDIBLE,and "fully" voiced system of my "great" pal Sid!The Univ was in a set-up that was still going thropugh some changes,so to be fair,my comments are ONLY based upon that set of parameters.

Rick,as Sid does NOT have access to a computer,I have to give the correct answer.Which is--(D)Reconnect the Air Tangent!!!Ed felt the same way!!See, he's not all that quiet!The system was definitely good,but you simply had to hear it with the Air Tangent!!

However Richard is coming down from Canada,next month,and promises to fine tune the 12.6 a bit better!I'm not holding my breath,having heard the A.T.Sorry,I had to tell the truth!

Best regards.Now get back on that cell phone,as you have money to make, to afford your Schroder/Phantom/Triplanar/KUZMA AIRLINE.Like the message in The DaVinci Code,I have left you my own.Heh,heh!

Happy Easter!
BTW,Raul--I knew,in advance of posing my question,that your response would be quite interesting,and in this case,seemingly plausable,as well.

Also,I'm not really surprised with the discrepencies displayed by some industry people,as you know.Alot of what we are exposed to is simply the marketing engine,at work!Do we really need more stuff?As regularly as we are told,we do?Do you really believe that there are "levels of improvement",that appear as regularly as the next issue of TAS,or Stereophile,with the "components of the moment"?Go to a dealer,or show event,and try to listen beyond the hype.If you've been at this for a long time,ask yourself if what you are hearing is really better than what you have assembled,over the time you have spent,in this hobby.Especially if you are an active hobbyist.You may be surprised,with the answer.

My point is that it is of paramount importance to trust your own intuitive senses!Not what we are told should be best!!Also,sure it's fun to get as technical,as we see in these forums,but in all truthfulness it is merely an exercise in technospeak!!ANY "newbee" out there,trust your own judgements,you will seldom make a gross enough error,that will dampen your enjoyment of musi Best!
Sorry,forgot to mention something that I'm sure is obvious to all of us addicts.Thomas is right,and I knew this when posting about the Titan,but like a great evening out,with friends at a good restaurant,once you're having a grand old time,it's so easy to overrate the food,a bit!

I'm not saying I was off regarding my,and others,impressions of the Titan-i,but to compare it to my exposure with the superb Univ was a bit of a stretch.In lieu of the fact that I heard the Univ only once(still getting a good read,on it),and hearing the Titan-i on loads of occassions.The fact that I always hear the Titan with the best first pressing lp's could not have hurt either!It's damn good,though!

With the finest lp's,the Titan-i is NOT "sharp",or lean,or clinical etc.As I have more than one friend owning it,and all very serious hobbyist/listeners/collectors of vinyl(one owning it,with a Koetsu Coral,and a Lyra Olympos),this is the sentiments of those learned folks.They think it's great,and have heard lots of the great cartridges as well.-----Btw,How much fun is this hobby?----
Also,to hopefully have some degree of credibility,I almost never reference my own feelings about what I myself own.To me,it's always better to reference one's tastes through another familiar set-up,as this frees one to NOT be in a position of rationalizing what we own,and hear.Let's face it.We all love our stuff.Especially when we've spent the kind of money on it,that this hobby sometimes requires.No need to say "mine is the best I've heard".To me,it sound sort of obnoxious,and I know that I already am!Sorry!!Have to go now,time to get out on a tennis court.My game sucks lately.Of that I CAN be truthful!

Hey Dgad,I didn't mention that the Air Tangent was not used with the supplied pump.My pal bought a compressor from a retiring dentist,which completely blew away the standard one.The result was great bass,which has always been a knock on the A.T.

Also,I had always heard tons of stuff at Lyric,over the years.BTW-Lenny is now the new owner.He has mellowed into a really fine,experienced,person to deal with.I always liked him and felt he got a bad rap,by some.He's painfully honest,which is something I like.

I once owned the RS-1b's,but was forced to sell them,when I moved to another state.I swear I remember saying to myself(when the new owner was taking them out of my room)"why am I doing this"!!Two months later I met a guy at a stereo store who told me he had a friend who bought flawless RS-1's from some yutz,who kept them in flawless shape,and sold them because of moving to N.J.I never mentioned the yutz was me.
However with my friend Sid's mega modded pair,there was NO contest.I always get a kick out of the majority of the latest "industry/reviewer" raves,after hearing them,and comparing them to Sid's set-up.-:)Like I have stated in the past(and am beginning to really believe),my friend's room surely must be a gateway between two "black holes",where the laws of physics simply break down.His stuff sounds "that good".Everyone hearing it always leaves shaking their head in disbelief!

Raul,I'm glad you have decided to give your superb cartridge/arm collection another "go round"!The business of tracking on the high side,to me,represents a potential mismatch somewhere.Not always,but I have found that there is more gained,by trying to voice a set-up by trying almost all combinations,and settling on the one that appeals best to me.That is until my "predatory" audio pals come over.Then it's time to bring in the "defensive squad"!
I always strive to set downforce closer to the lower setting,as this gives the most "air",and inner textures.Yet you can lose bass power if not careful.
One advantage I have with my Graham 2.2 is that the actual damping fluid can,also,come into "good service",when used to aid with tracking on the lighter side of the mfgrs recommendation.You must REALLY be careful here,but believe me,experimentation will prove very worthwhile.
I don't know if the XV-1 is a particularly good match with your 2.2(I assume you have this arm),but if the cartridge weight is not problematic you can use the fluid(in a good way,finally)to voice for a bit lower tracking force.
Also,I have now heard the newest Titan-i with a unipivot arm.Not the 2.2!I have,also heard it on an Air Tangent,both in the same system,that I am intimately familiar with.Though the newer unipivot is going through some voicing,I must admit that,taken as a whole,my suspicians about it was correct.At least to me.The air bearing design is clearly superior in bringing about a sense of "body" with better timbres.I doubt if any amount of voicing can match what that great arm was able to do.I can only imagine how fabulous the Kuzma Airline must be.Providing the "rap on the street" is correct.
Also,based on my rather limited experience,but enough to feel confident in this,the new Titan-i is the best sounding cartridge I have ever heard!It is superior to the ZYX Universe,that we discuss so much.From my recollection of the Univ,the Titan simply has more "body" and ambient feel.The Univ,though superb,was a bit better in high freq extention and quickness of transient attack,but the Titan-i is really close here,and clobbers the Univ in the area of overall believability.
Like your comparison of my Transfiguration Temper-v(which I have no intention of moving away from,btw)to the Colibri,the Titan-i is the more real,with the Univ letting you know it is more "there".
Hope you get to hear all these great,fun,toys!Who knows?Maybe next year I'll have an Orpheus!
