Dynavector XV-1S

Hello Everyone,

I need a recommendation for re tipping my Dynavector XV-1S.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.





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Showing 1 response by pindac

The request to receive advice on a route to take for a Retip/Refurb on a Cart' is going to become divisive in the directions put forward as a suggestion.

Third Party Retip Services have received quite a number of extremely positive and encouraging testimonials over many years. These assessments are of value to the service receiving them and a selection are put forward by individuals who have a knowledge of Top Tier Cart's. An individual need not be too concerned about a Cart' being sent to a Third Party Service unless they are only wanting a Cart' produced to the original Spec'. This is not any easy achievement as most Services from a OEM will have a 'small print' where equivalent parts are being referred to.

In relation to certain parts that the returned Cart' might be identified as needing to have exchanged. There is no asurity a Brands selected equivalent part, is a superior material to the Material selected by a Third Party Service. 

There is enough info to be digested, that leaves the notion that a reliance on the support of either of the offered Services, is a Support worthwhile considering.