Dynavector 10X5, 2M Black, Grado Platinum or....?

I'm looking for a cartridge recommendation for my Pro-ject 1 Xpression III turntable (Carbon 8.6 tonearm) either MM or MC. A friend works for a distributor of Ortofon and Grado so I could get a discount on these, but ultimatley I want the best cart for my tonearm. I listen to hard rock, blues and jazz, I need good bass, warm detailed mids, detailed highs and a good sound stage. I just purchased the optional counterweight so my options are plentiful. My front runners are;

Ortofon 2M Black
Dynavector 10x5
Grado Gold
Grado Platinum

I would very much appreciate feedback on these or any other cart in the $150 to $500 price range that would work well with my table. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by bluepearl

So I went ahead and purchased the Dynavector 20XL low output and couldn't be happier, this cart is so far superior to the 2M Red. Solid bass, good everything, no pops and clicks, wonderful! I'm currently listening to a live Depeche Mode LP, awesome sound stage!