Only look at the confidence line from dynaudio. It is so much better than the countour line its scary. The confidence 3 as small as it is, is miles better than the big contour 3.3 in every way but bass quantity. However i prefer the confidence 3s bass because it is much tighter and faster. I have never heard the Vienna acoustics speakers. If you think the contour line was even remotely comparable to the vienna acoustics than the confidence line would be much better then them. They are that much better than the contours. I liked them so much i bought a pair. (Confidence 5s) I also own a pair of Talon Peregrine Xs but that is a whole other story.... - Ian
Dynaudio vs. Vienna Acoustics
I would like to upgrade my Vienna Acoustics Mozart speakers, and would like to hear opinions about Dynaudio (Contour or Confidence series) vs. the larger Vienna Acoustics models (Beethoven, Mahler). My amp is Classe CA-300. This is for a 2-channel system. I would like to avoid sub if possible, but have heard that REL integrates well with high-end speakers.
What to buy in the $5-10k range? Opinions, comments, suggestions?
What to buy in the $5-10k range? Opinions, comments, suggestions?