Dynaudio Sappires vs Focal Sopra 2's

Has anyone compared Dynaudio Sapphires with Focal Sopra 2's?. I own the Sapphires and love them but......... was VERY IMPRESSED with the Focal Sopra 2's. Not sure if they really are this impressive or am I just going through the change bug again $$$$. Any comments from those of you that have heard both are appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by toneranger58

This weekend the AXPONA show had 2 rooms with Sopra No. 2 speakers. Both sounded excellent. One had Pass Labs (Amps and Pre, very expensive) in the front and the other had a 100W Micromega 1Integrated retail $3500. Both rooms were getting a lot of attention and listeners were drooling over the Sopra's. I am ordering a pair tomorrow. Wait looks to be about a week for black ones. Demoed many others at the show at a similar price point, only other pair that compared well to the Sopra level was SF Olypica 3. I also spent a lot of time with Magico S3, retail 22.5K, I liked the Sopra's better. The Magico's had Devialet 900 in the front end. Just my honest opinion and many others I spoke to.

Awesome show, can't wait until next year.

I just ordered a pair should have in a week, went with Black. Color is so subjective. Liked them all but Black and White were most available.

Spent a lot of time with the speakers at the AXPONA show and a 2 hour demo with my Hegel H300. I did demo the Sabrina's, very nice but didn't have the magic of the Sopra's according to my ears.
