Dynaudio or Ohm?

I’m close to purchasing a pair of Dynaudio Focus 260s except I keep finding threads about Ohm speakers which have me intrigued.
I’m looking for anybody who’s familiar with the Dynaudio Focus sound and has owned a pair of Ohms.
My living room is 16’ x 14’ x 8’ and has a side wall with an opening to the dining room. It is very well damped and acoustics are very good; I listen nearfield about 8’ from the speakers. (I would need the T-2000). The components in my system are:

Rogue Perseus Magnum with Mullard Longplates
Sunfire 300 amp
Purist Aqueus Luminist speaker cables
Cardas Parsec ICs

The attributes I find so appealing with the Focus 260 are clarity with smooth highs and a liquid midrange, wide soundstage, transparent with a touch of warmth, and deep detailed bass.

The concern I have regarding the Ohm are the overwhelming reviews of the disappointing or only “adaquate” build quality.
I listen to 90% Classical, so I do like hearing what people have to say about the sonics of these speakers; eg, soundstaging and imaging. I just wonder if they are in the class of the Dynaudio; by that I mean are these speakers that people hold on to for years as they update their electronics, or do they move up to higher end spkrs after a couple of years.

I’d like your input before ordering a trial set of Ohms; I’m finding it hard to believe they measure up to the $5000 Dynaudios.
Any advise is appreciated.


Showing 11 responses by lowrider57

Listened to the Dynaudio Focus 340, a B&W CM floorstander and PSB Synchrony One which I home auditioned, but was too big for my room. Focus 340 was my fav, but will be too large for my room.

In another shop, listened to Dali Mentors and Rega RS7(not my style).
Thanks, Mapman for such well thought-out information. It makes me want to hear some symphonic music thru the Ohms.

I have good power conditioning and a high power/high current amp with the Sunfire, so driving either speaker is no problem. The only flaw of the Dynaudio is the less than stellar performance at low volume; once it receives enough current is when it performs.
How does the Ohm perform at lower volume, IOW late nite listening?
Thanks, Polarin. We're all critical listeners at times, but I think you made your point.

I'm not looking for a detailed speaker with crisp highs (as so many modern spkrs are). I'm looking for a natural presentation where I can enjoy symphonic music or a string quartet with realistic timbre and concert hall ambience.

And you used the term I wanted to hear; that these speakers are "keepers."
One last question...
I'd like some clarification on some aspects of the Ohm's. They project a wide, deep image where the soundstage is at the front of the room. The instrument position; eg, a guitar, is constant while the listener moves in space.
No additional sound comes from behind the listener, correct?

In the case of an orchestra on stage, the presentation would be as realistic as my electronics will allow. I have a low noise floor, so would the imaging present a good separation of instruments? I understand Ohms are not the last word in detail, but I'm looking for a realistic and natural reproduction of the concert hall.

Thanks so much for your help, guys. Especially Mapman.
Mapman, I can't thank you enough for the info provided. My #1 question has been answered... can I enjoy realistic classical music, specifically symphonic with the Ohms. I have a season package for the Phila. Orchestra, so I know what live music sounds like,(although our new "SOTA" concert hall has many design flaws which they won't pay to correct).

That's a most generous offer to visit and listen to your system. I appreciate it.
BTW, don't be surprised if I have another question.
Thanks for offering your experiences, Joefish. The Ohms probably make your room sound bigger than it's physical size.

I like your description, similar to Mapman's. That's interesting that the distance of the image changes with low volume.
I'm very glad to hear the build quality is solid; and I've spent quite some time on the website.

You mentioned a subject that I've been wondering about, control of the bass. Can these speakers get a tight, detailed bass with only a flat plinth sitting on the floor?
How is reverberation and coloration thru the floor controlled? My room has a hardwood floating floor...is there an option to use spikes?

Many thanks for your input.
Martykl, the fact that your Ohm's SQ can compete with your collection of such fine speakers says a lot. (btw, I believe Merlins use Dynaudio drivers).
It's also good to hear another recommendation for listening to orchestral music on the Ohms.

I'm thinking the T-2000s in my room should supply an ample amount of bass.
Your post is much appreciated.
Zd, that is very true; I think it was mentioned early on. I feel that my electronics are up to the task. I've worked on creating a low noise floor with a Blue Circle Thingee FX2 PC, Blue Circle Power line filters, Furman PC, Audience PowerChords, and Purist Audio Aqueus Luminist speaker cables.

My modest system; ARC CD, Rogue Pre, Sunfire 300 has a synergy that currently creates a warm, wide, deep soundstage with deep bass with my PSB Synchrony Twos. I get terrific separation of instruments, but the overall system lacks some detail, a smooth midrange and transparency. This is a known weakness of these speakers. As I said earlier, a later upgrade will be the preamp.

Thanks to all the good advice, taking the plunge into purchasing the Ohms sounds like a safer move than going for the Dynaudios.

Thanks for your post.
Thanks Joe, and to everybody. You've been straight-shooters and I have no worries now. After I've paid off my large real estate tax, I'll get out the charge card and contact Ohm.
Mapman, I'm not limited to low volume listening by any means, but I wanted to get a sense of how they perform. Low volume is the Dynaudio's weak spot; just like you said, the lows and the highs are not as present.
I read that the Ohm driver can be fitted with a higher range tweeter if needed, do you know about this?

The ref1000m/OHM F5 S3 combo is still the best I have assembled overall ever by far and I feel that one can be compared fairly with any of the big boys I have heard in various places over the years.

This says a lot. It answers my question if the Ohms are good enough to build a system around. After this speaker purchase, my next move is to upgrade my preamp and I want a speaker that's in it for the long haul.