Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark


    I  recently Purchased a new pair of Dynaudios. The floor model I auditioned were 'Made in Denmark' but the pair which was shipped out by the dealer was 'Made in China'. They are still boxed. Whats should I do:

1. Swap with the showroom floor model (they were probably a yr or 2 old)

2. Unbox and use my 'Made in china' pair ?

My main concern here is the quality of the product from China. Resale values.

Anyone with experience please chime in. 



Showing 1 response by mschott

The quality has nothing to do with the COO. It has to do with the specifications outlined by in this case Dynaudio and the quality control post production. The Chinese are quite capable of producing world class quality products in 2022.