Dynaudio, Devore Orangutan, or Harbeth

I have found it difficult to step up to the plate and make a decision on a new (and probably my last) system -- in large part this is because, as most of you know, no dealer carries all the components of choice. Accordingly your advice is appreciated.
I listen mainly to jazz, vocals, Brasilian, R&B, classic rock and world music. My room is 12' by 20' with an 81/2 ceiling. I will be seated about 10 feet from the speakers.
I am most interested in the Confidence C1 speakers, Harbeth P3 (with a Rel Sub), Compact 7 or M 30.1 or the Devore Orangutan 93 (newer smaller version). I had been thinking Naim 202/200 combo. But now I am thinking more of the Luxman integrated (more liquid and with tone control and phono amp) 505ux or 550 with the Devore and with a Luxman CD player - I have a very large cd collectin. Should I go with the CD player or a Luxman Dac and use an Oppo as the transport which will give me better sound?
Your thoughts are appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by austinbob

I like (and own) some of the equipment you're considering. I own the Harbeth SHL5s and they're wonderful and well-suited to your room. Probably won't need the REL sub (although I do have a T9 and, well, it helps). I power them through my Luxman 505-ux and it's great too--very synergistic, better than the Ayre AX-7e I tried. Luxman does make a great CD/SACD player but I might point you to a different option--the Line Magnetic 515 CD player and DAC. I just ordered the LM 502CA DAC since I'm NOT a big CD listener--I prefer ripping my CDs and playing them through my Bryston BDP1 into a DAC for both convenience and sound quality. I do own an Oppo BDP 105 and it's a fine transport--heck it's a good player! I have been dealing with Tim at Tone of Audio in San Francisco. I suggest you call him and tell him what you're considering. He carries many of the products you like and he's very upright and candid.
If I had the bucks, I would have bought the Luxman DA-06. List is $5000, probably find it for $4000. The DA-200 is a fine DAC as well I'm sure (never heard it). And the D-05 and 06 CD players are reported to be superb as well. But...damn it's a lot of money to spend on a CD player! I understand that source is everything, but digital playback seems to be improving and changing monthly. I currently use an NAD-M51 and either feed it with my Bryston BDP-1 or my Oppo. The neat trick there is that the Oppo can output HDMI to the NAD so I can play SACD and DVDA as well through the NAD. And it sounds great. I'm trying the Line Magnetic DAC with the hop that it will be even better and by that I mean more liquid, holographic, less fatiguing sense of digitalness (the hardness or glare that certain recordings seem to have). Will it be more accurate or simply more forgiving? Don't know, but I'm seeking to replicate the best of analog in the digital domain--that's the holy grail! And, by the way, while I didn't own C1s, my previous speakers were the Contour 1.4s, no slouches. However, I did feel the Harbeth SHL5s were a major upgrade, not minor. And I like the fact the Luxman--a relatively inexpensive integrated--mates so well with them. Before the Ayre, I had Bryson 4BSST2 and the BP-26, very powerful and accurate and I don't miss them with the Luxman--high praise. The Harbeths are not as demanding of power as the Dynaudios, but they do like a little juice, don't be misled by the Harbeth "any quality 50-watt amp will suffice." And the Luxman does have a decent phono stage, quality remote, and even, gasp, a loudness control that is very nice with low volume listening.
Mcslipp--would love to hear your system! Sounds wonderful. I think the Luxman 505-ux is a very good match with Harbeths although I have heard the Line Magnetic tube integrateds perform very well with them--I was pleasantly surprised because of the 86db sensitivity of the Harbeths is not particularly high and a 22-watt tube amp sounded just fine! I would have bought the Luxman DA-06 but a little dear--I did get the Line Magnetic DAC and it's pretty special too.