Dynaudio C2 or S5.4 ?

I have choosing either C2 or S5.4. Any recommendations? Thanks !

Showing 1 response by miner42

Great explanation Matt. I am a Dynaudio fan although I have only had personal experience with the Audience line - 52SE on Stand4 and the Sub20A. For the size & price I was truly amazed (have sold the 52SE - still have the Sub20A for sale). I replaced them with Sonus faber Auditor M w/stands and REL B2 - as with any upgrade monies had to be spent to get sonic improvement. I was looking closely at the Dynaudio S25 (yes, I found a NOS)and the S3.4. I ultimately chose the SF/REL combo.

The C2 or S5.4 would be a grat choice, whichever you decide upon. I love this hobby/disease.