Dynaudio C1 Bass


I've been playing around with my Dynaudio C1 for quite a while (11 months to be exact) and still found it a bit shy of lower bass. This experience seems to contradict with all the good reviews that I read about this small speaker. I'm using Pass Labs X350.5. Sources include Meridian 588 and Esoteric X-01 Limited SACD.

The C1s should extend flat to about 40hz. Have you measured them?

They are a great sounding speaker, but by no means will they do the 20-40hz octave. Just not gonna happen with 1 7" mid/bass driver
Hi Amater,

By "nearer-to-the-back-wall", do you mean I should move the speakers closer to the rear wall to enhance the bass. By bass, I'm talking about 60-80Hz. It seems that my pair got a cutoff point at around 80Hz. Would moving closer to rear wall blurring the definition of the bass?

Try to move closer to side walls as well, if too close you may get boom and loose definition. I have listened to the C1 alot and also the special 25. Though the 25 has a little fuller bass the C1 is no slouch. If however your looking for hard rocking power I don't think you will get it. You should however have a nice tight smooth bass to 40hz at least. I would keep working on position. My Special 25's improvement was dramatic once position was dialed in. Also, what stand are you using? I found that to be very important. I really like the Dynaudio stand.