Dynaco Stereo 120

I was looking through the for sale pages of a website and came across the images of the insides of a Dynaco Stereo 120

It was evident that a winding around the capacitor was done, does anyone know why?
Is it an electromagnet that has been wound, or simply to introduce inductance, is this an old lost technique?

I am curious, and figured someone in Agon might know?

Showing 2 responses by rankaudio

I have to say, I have gone through a great deal comparing many amps, integrated amps and preamp combos over the course of the past two years. I just put a few pics on a flickr to begin with. I have many more to add and I will.


These are just some of the pictures. I have a group of guys I listen with at various places and we share each-others equipment. In my rooms and others, I have compared lots of things. 

Parasound Halo A23
McIntosh MHA100
Yamaha AS1200
Yamaha S501
Primaluna EVO400
Dynaco VTA ST70 Bob Latino with KT88's
Decware SE84UFO
Dynaco PAS II Funtastic-Vintronics
Dynaco PAS NG Funtastic-Vintronics
Aretha Erhard Audio
Glow Amp One
Qunpu A6000
Schiit Freya Plus


Caintuck Audio LII Fast 8 Betsy's
Klipsch Heresy II
Magnepan .7
Dynaco A10

What I've learned is that you have to match the amps to the proper speakers to get the best synergy. In the end though, what I've noticed is that I have generally found that I prefer the spatial separation that tubes typically offer over solid state, particularly with regard to the Yamaha's. IMO, they sound somewhat sterile and 2 dimensional. Some prefer that type of sound. Out of this group, Kenny Russell's rebuild on the Stereo 120 solid state transistor had the most profound impact on me both in sound and emotionally. Whenever I read lots of negative chatter about the 120 in forums, I remove myself, because in my own profession, I know what forums do to people. They just parrott the same things others say without even listening to the component in question.  

So far, for me and this is just my own personal opinion. This Stereo 120 NG Kenny Russell built for me is the only solid state amp I've ever heard that offers the same spatial separation I've gotten from tubes but I'm still perplexed as to why. I just know what I'm hearing. For example, I can run my Dynaco ST70 NG with my .7's Maggie's but once I start to play them at louder levels, they tend to clip just a bit so I back them down to normal listening levels where they sound wonderful. I didn't have that issue at all with the Primaluna EVO400 because it has about double the power output. 

So I decided on Kenny's 120. When I first listened to it, I literally dropped my jaw in disbelief AT ANY PRICE $. This is impossible! I can't wait till my friends come over to hear this amplifier coupled with another masterpiece of Kenny's, a PAS NG. This is my favorite setup with all my speakers. The 120 sounds absolutely beautiful and I like it more than anything I've heard thus far. It drives the Maggie's to perfection with ultra tight bass and crystal clarity. I have much more to share and explain, but for those who think these 120's are a relic of the past, shame on you. 
Kenny, it’s great to see you here. I appreciate everything you’ve done and you put a lot of heart and soul into your work. I left a message with Dynakit to thank them for putting me in touch with you. I’m gonna post some videos soon but I was playing the 120 with my .7 Maggie’s and it drives them flawlessly just the way I was hoping. I also would still like to have a look at one of your latest Pat4 at some point when you come across one to rebuild. antmaspher thank you for sharing your thoughts on the earlier 120 design.