Dynaco FM-5 Tuner. Useful "Mods" for the unit??

I recently bought a Dynaco FM-5 from ebay. It was advertised as having been "hotrodded" by Rich Modifferi--- the mod was a PLL board and Dolby deemhpasis. I bought the unit to see if I could get a station which is 125 miles from my apartment house.I hooked the tuner up to a Fanfare SG-1 and it did receive the station clearly, but there is still some noise and flutter. Overall, the sound is tinny and harsh even on local stations, but also seems to possess more "depth" than the tube tuner of the McIntosh receiver 1700, I also use. By the way, the Mac could not receive this distant station at all. So whatever Mr. Modifferi did to this piece, he increased its selectivity. So, does any one know if this piece can be further "moded" to improve selectivty and smooth out the overall sound?? Or, is it not worth it. I don't want to spend alot of money either. Help!!. I know there are many knowlegable Dynaco fans on the 'GON. I don't just want to put this piece in my closet as wasted money. Thank you, SJ

Showing 2 responses by jvia

I think you are asking a lot from an FM 5. It was among the 1st transistor tuners ever, and few of them are noted for their sound. Also sounds as if you had a DXing mod done, a reason for the great reception. And this is no offense to Don Scott, who has done me a great favor and who I consider a great source for tuner info and repair, but if
Modafferi(sp) modded this unit, Don is not going to do much better(depending how long ago the mod was done). As I would recommend to a lot of people looking at tuners, go to the tunerinfo@yahoo.com website and read up on all the great tuners of the past Don and Richard both contribute to the site, and I think most would find the info useful and honest.