Dynaco A-25's and a sub-woofer?

Greetings. I have a chance to buy some classic Dynaco A-25's in excellent shape. I've researched these quite a bit and now turn to the members of Audiogon for one final recommendation. The price that I've negotiated is $175. Are these speakers worth that? The other question is: do they work well with a sub-woofer or better off alone? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by pryso

In case you don't read Speaker Asylum, here is a link to replies to a question on subwoofers with A-25s.


With or without a couple of inexpensive mods, I would not agree with Ponnie that "there are many speakers today that will better it's sound". At least not anywhere near the price of the A-25s. Although on that point my opinion is that $175 is too much.