Dynaco A-25's and a sub-woofer?

Greetings. I have a chance to buy some classic Dynaco A-25's in excellent shape. I've researched these quite a bit and now turn to the members of Audiogon for one final recommendation. The price that I've negotiated is $175. Are these speakers worth that? The other question is: do they work well with a sub-woofer or better off alone? Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by bongofury

One of the better Danish products in its day.

Along with the NAD 3020 amp, a real classic.

Remember, you will hear exactly what your parents heard--smooth musical sounding songs, great with jazz and vocals and folk.

I would grab them and match them with other vintage gear like Sansui.
I would look for an old Dynaco Dynakit amp, or maybe a newer used Italian one like a Unico Preludio. The tubes will warm these up immensely. I would match it to a Thorens 124 tt.