Dyna XX-2 MKII vs. Lyra Kleos

I've been contemplating going from my Dyna XX-2 MKII to a Lyra Kleos on my VPI Classic 3. I dug through the archives, but mostly found comparisons between the Delos and Kleos. I would appreciate any insight from someone that has compared the two cartridges, or even if you have compared the Dyna XX-2 MKII to the Lyra Delos or Kleos. Of primary concern, is the bass response, will it be comparable, have the same impact as the Dyna XX-2 MKII? My phono stage is the Avid Pulsus, Amp - Music Reference RM-9 MK II and Wilson Sophia IIs.

Showing 2 responses by ninetynine

I had a Delos, Kleos, Skala, EMT JSD6.

No i have a VdH Frog in a SME V and a Dyn XX2 MK2 in an Origin Live Conqueror. My Lyra´s were not really good trackers and on bright recordings or some with loud s-tones, they tend to fizzl.

On a lot recordings the Kleos sounds very, very good.

Now i am in love with the Frog, which is also very open sounding with an enormous resolution but better tracking than my Lyra`s. The Dynavector is very warm, analog sounding and is the choice for the bright recorded vinyls.
I love it really, but it is a step under the Frog.

I have both measured with Adjust+ and they are very well built.