Dylan Bootleg Number 8

Am listening over and over again to this new set of recordings. Three alternate versions of Mississippi, all great, but THE highlight for me is an unreleased track from Time Out Of Mind, Red River Shore, sounds as one might expect with the Lanois production, and I feel it may be the best song on that album, even though it ended getting left off of it. Curious as to what others may think of this collection from, admittedly, my favorite artist.

Bought it when it came out.....Yaaaaaaawwwwnnnn. Also a big Dylan fan.... ''Time Out of Mind'', out of the proclaimed Trilogy series was his the last of his work that was worth listening to. His voice was at least somewhat there.....But, I will say, there is no one behined him.
Sanji, they are quite mixed since they are mostly from three recording sessions, but the best are among the best of any sonics, at least to my ears. I think the sessions they come from are among his very best sounding recordings from a sonic perspective. Highly higly recommended from this Dylan fan.
I have been a Dylan fan for at least 35 years. When I listen to Dylan, I tend to listen to all those great albums from the 60's & 70's that I grew up with. With that said, I am enjoying the Bootleg Seres Vol. 8 immensely. What helped me appreciate this set was the "Meet the Real Dylan" article in the November Uncut magazine which has interviews with the producers and session musicians from each of the albums represented in this Bootleg release. The article provided a real insight into what Dylan was looking to accomplish and that helped put the individual cuts in perspective. I find the sonics just fine, much better than most of the Bootleg Series, given that these are studio out takes and not live performances.


I saw this in the shop today - but the price gave me pause. The package included 3CDs, a 60-page book and other stuff - around $160.

Are there other editions at a cheaper price?

I've got the 3 CD set which is a rip off but as a big fan I had to have it.

I think GareBear might have it wrong as his statement I bought it when it came out reads like he is talking about an older album,no? It's only been out two weeks.

Anybody saying yawn puzzles me,these discs contain a variety of music that covers a fair area of Dylan's craft.
I would agree with him that the "trilogy" is a tad overrated (I'm in a minority that enjoys Love & Theft the best)and as a result I wondered about the quality of the music here.

I was wrong, this is a wonderful collection arguably a wee bit spotty due to the inclusion of the live tracks but the demo's/studio outtakes are very good indeed. It gives an insight how often the energy and directness of a song can get lost in the studio.

As Rich points out this was covered in great detail in Uncut magazine but I tend to think acclaimed as his last three albums have been, they could have been better.The sparser versions of the songs just connect better. Dylan's always had problems in the studio and this set shows why.

Dylan will always live in the shadow of his 60's/70's work but I tell you nobody has left a trail like him in contemporary music and this set enhances that notion further.
Hey Ben....you and I have crossed threads before on Mr. Dylan as I was not aware and you pointed out that the producer Jack Frost on the Trilogy series was actually Mr. Dylan himself... I am talking about The Bootleg Series Vol.#8...I have them all and just was not impressed with this one. For what it's worth....I played ; ''Oh Mercy '' last night which was not a real commercial success for Dylan, but one of my favorites. Now there's some real good stuff on this disc / album. Mr. Rpeluso...I hope that I did not offend you or come across too strong with my opinion on this thread....not my intent. I guess I am also listening to Bob's ''older '' stuff and content with living in those era's with Bob....and yet still hopeing for a return.
Thanks Rpeluso. From what I heard, many of the songs were really fantastic but didn't quite pull the purchase trigger because I wasn't sure about the sonics. I think it's a go on the purchase now.
Garebear I love Oh Mercy personally I think a much better record than any of the recent trilogy.
However don't you think the acoustic version of Most Of The Time on BS Vol 8 is amazing?

If that's a yawn I'm going to fly over to America and break your hifi!
I have listened to the "New" bootleg # 8 a couple of times now and I am begining to form some impressions-
A lot of traditional blues flavor which I think demonstrates the staying power of the genre and Dylan's life-long obsession with the blues( read C. Ricks, Song & Dance Man III).
Some of the songs are so well crafted that they are wonderful in all versions- some of the "Oh Mercy" songs with out the D. Linois production come off as different animals.
As with most of Bobs work,I am sure that I will hear more and understand differntly as I continue to listen to this set. That is what makes Dylan's words & music so great.
No Yawns Here!
Fishers9 I think you'll find Michael Gray wrote Song And Dance Man-Professor Ricks book was Visions Of Sin.
Ben- You are correct- I read both , S&DM was difficult to locate but well worth the trouble- provided lots of insights to many of Dylan's lyrics.
I saw Dylan & Joni M. at Cole Field house at UofM- he sang the first two versus of "Blind Willie McTell" and went into another song after them.
Brings new light to a rich and storied career--like looking at the best of his later body of work (beyond his most commercially successful period of late 60s and early 70s) with a fresh set of ears. Very strong collection--holds up against the last six albums in terms of quality--especially the stripped down acoustic numbers that recall Nashville Skyline and Blood on the Tracks. Love the deep mining of American genres such as blues, swing and gospel and the brilliant wordplay. Crackerjack session players on all these tracks--like the varied feel of the multiple takes of the same song. Can't recall an artist other than Duke Ellington who was able to float through the decades in such a productive fashion.
I think it's fantastic. If you are listening to it as if it were a stand-alone release, then I can understand some of the hesitancy. Yet, it is worth the price simply for the opening version of Mississippi and for Red River Shore (both versions). However, it's real value is in seeing (OK, hearing) how an incredible artist like Dylan works. Not only is the breadth and depth of his output amazing, but the breadth and depth within each version of a song is stunning. Each reading of Mississippi, for instance is like a song unto itself. It's not unlike viewing Monet's paintings, such as the the cathedrals or haystacks, side by side. The light, color, and shading are different, yet the subject is the same. In than sense, I see Dylan as an Impressionist. And he is to song what Monet (have to give credit, too, to Camille Pissarro) was to art.
For the small investment of the standard CD, this is a must for all Dylan fans.
I agree with you Azmoon. There is one complication; the standard 2 CD package has about 26 tracks, while the 3 CD Deluxe, quite pricey version, has 39 tracks. So, to get all the music one has to go for the deluxe box (or the LPs). I think this is quite bad on Columbia's part.