DVD-Audio media, thoughts? worth the cost of the media?

So I know that DVD-A is basically a "dead" media already but I am still interested in giving it a shot possibly.
Started looking at various titles and it seems that anything half decent is at least $50 and up to $200!
Anybody here has first hand experience with this media? Used it, abused it etc.
Would prefer to hear from people who have given it a try or are using DVD-A before I shell out some serious coin!
For example am I likely to hear a significant difference between a DVD-A and a SACD?
I think my system is revealing enough to tell ( I HOPE!)
Thank you in advance
I have a few DVD-A discs and a few older universal players to play them. It is not worth the price you would pay for sure. A lot of releases were simply 24bit/48Khz.  Why not just invest in high resolution downloads instead?  You could actually create dvd-a discs on your laptop from the downloads using appropriate software.  I used to do that a while back but then I just moved on to flac files stored on a HDD.  
As for sound quality compared to sacd, it all depends on the original master and the remastering.  IMHO, no point starting now, you are late to the dvd-audio party by a decade or so given that we have blu-ray audio and much higher resolution DSD downloads.  

That's about what I figured but always been curious.
Guess I will stick with my Blusound full of ripped flac files and Tidal for now.
Maybe the bluray audio has promise?
I was hoping somebody would think it had some redeeming features, after all if we just want to view media on a technical basis then vinyl should have been dead and buried decades ago.
But obviously it is not because of its other virtues, perceived or otherwise.
Thought there may have been a good reason people are asking so much money for DVD-A media!
Many DVD-A discs contain mixes that are otherwise not available in any other format, typically surround mixes. This is one of the reasons they command high prices. There's also a strong collector/completist issue at play as they were never exactly issued in vast quantities

As a viable storage format worth getting in to forget it, unless you already own a bunch I wouldn't bother. I just sold all mine (only a few dozen) and was pleasantly surprised by what people were prepared to pay

You have to rethink your opinion of LPs however, my 50s era mono recordings still sound way better than the vast majority of current recordings
I do not believe I stated my opinion of vinyl...lol. Apart from that it is an obsolete medium from any technological viewpoint.
Does that mean it is bad? Of course not just an observation.
Do I own vinyl?
Yes lots.....lol.
But do I also appreciate the vast advances in technology since vinyl?
Hell yes!
Vinyl survived because the vast majority of digital transfers were poorly done, records had a clear edge in sound quality. I just prefer to listen to a lot of 60's-70's classical on vinyl, it makes even mediocre recordings listenable but the digital versions of the same records drive me nuts.    
Wish I had some vinyl of that age, probably early 80 to 90 is majority of my collection.
But yes there were a LOT of very poor digital conversions in the early days and yes some are near unlistenable to .
If I see fair priced DVD a I may give one a try just as I have a few sacd discs bought at a fair price.
Might be time for a vinyl night tonight

IMO, DVD-A has a unique opportunity that the music companies did not capitalize (no pun) upon compared to the SACD. I think that DVD-A got lost in the shuffle w/ regular DVD, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD...etc.

Too many choices left the buying public confused. Then  there came the many spinners, hardware, to play these discs. I have a few in my collection of the titles that I wanted. All are out-of-print (OOP) and really increased in value. Most discs are 24/48 or 24/96 resolution wise. Like most SACD titles they can play stereo or multi-channel for surround sound systems.
As of yet I have found zero dvd-a discs I would like to buy at what I would deem a fair price.
However I did pick up a couple of bluray audio discs reasonable and not sure how these compare but I was fairly impressed in the SQ.
The difference is "there" and DVD-A sounded soo much more natural to a Naim-head like me vs SACD. Within those few weeks when I had Linn Akurate in my system. But. But. Hitting my Golden Age of mid-fifties I gravitate towards Bruckner and away from Beach Boys (and Pink Floyd) and The Question devolves to the software released. And in so-called "classical music" it is SACDs...  So, my consern  is about the best SACD spinner. Which one?  I love my Wadia but it is so inferior to Naim CDS3 on CDs that probably I will never know. To my ears LP12 beats any digital, but the pain of flipping LPs is real!!!!
I like dvd-audio quite a bit.   The LP12 -- try a direct drive rebuild and see if you still like it as much.
I had forgotten I had started this thread a few years back...lol.
But as it has resurfaced time for an update.

For whatever reason there appeared a ton of DVD-A titles at fair prices so I bought quite a few.
Mostly Steven Wilson remastered King Crimson and Porcupine Tree stuff.
Which is exactly what I was hoping for all along.

Played back through my Esoteric DV-50 they certainly sound excellent and well worth the $17 to $23 I paid for each one.
Most have lots of bonus tracks and different mixes included too.