Dnew--first, I must state that I LOVE classical music and especially recorded multichannelly. Played thru a Denon 2900, SACD and DVD-A sound the same to me (but I'm no GEA) but for one difference--many SACDs have a significantly higher noise floor than ANY DVD-As. This is evident during low-level passages of classical music where I manually boost the levels a bit.
My other 2 'multichannel friends' also prefer the sounds of DVD-As over those of SACDs, without any prompting from me.
Aroc, you said it right--"...vinyl should trump both SACD and DVD-A." The operative word here is 'should'. IMO, the only things LPs have more of are surface noise and TROUBLE. But I'm glad you love 'em; it is, after all, about THE MUSIC.
My other 2 'multichannel friends' also prefer the sounds of DVD-As over those of SACDs, without any prompting from me.
Aroc, you said it right--"...vinyl should trump both SACD and DVD-A." The operative word here is 'should'. IMO, the only things LPs have more of are surface noise and TROUBLE. But I'm glad you love 'em; it is, after all, about THE MUSIC.