Dustcover Blues

Most of you probably know that I have always championed the use of dustcovers on turntables even during play, the goal being to protect the record from the environment and shield it from sound. For the first time in my audio career I have stumbled into a problem with this and other than not putting the dustcover down I have not come up with a solution. 

Yesterday I was playing Herbie Hancock's Secrets and I cranked it on my favotite song. After about 30 seconds the room started to rumble. My subs were putting out a remarkably clean 20 Hz as if I were playing a test tone. Feedback! Just turn the volume down a little and it disappears. Turn the volume back up and within 30 seconds it starts up again. Did I screw up my cartridge set up? I veiwed the tonearm during the feedback and it was rock solid. Usually with low frequency feedback you can see the tonearm shaking. I played the resonance tracks on an Ortofon test record and both lateral and vertical resonance were centered on 9 Hz With the feedback going and the house shaking I wanted a better look at the cantilever. On lifting the dustcover the feedback stopped!  The dust cover is attached to the plinth which is isolated from the sub chassis (tonearm and platter mounted on this) by four springs. The resonance frequency of this suspension is 2 Hz. Nothing above 2 Hz can pass directly through to the platter and tonearm. What is going on here? Any of you scientists out there have a clue? My best guess is that I am dealing with a type of Helmholtz resonation. The dust cover is lowered on four hard rubber pads, one at each corner. There is a 1/16" slot all the way around. This combined with the weight and dimensions of the dust cover creates a resonance at 20 Hz. To get it going I have to turn the volume way up. 

Today when I get home I'll play around with it to see if I can figure it out. Any ideas would be appreciated. 


Showing 14 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @mijostyn  " has no idea what he is listening too "


That is all my knowledge level I'm and my friends totally sure.


To my quality level standards your phono stage is totally out of question even with your Voice..


At this time all your statements in this thread tells me that your overall quality MUSIC level targets are way lower that what you  showed in other threads. If this is your reality then you are not a gentleman that really want to help analog lovers in this forum through your posts.


Your technical knowledge level is way superior to.



Dear @mijostyn  : You need to go for the one that match your way of thinking. No one of both phono stages you named are my cup of tea but this is me and that's all.


Look, when I want to listen analog everything that's below my system control must be analog and does not be digital manipulated in any way.

Again, that's me and I'm way different to you with different targets and MUSIC priorities.





Dear @mijostyn  : Years ago I listened the SS SG mounted in a Schroeder tonearm and in first rate room/system and there I had the opportunity to compare it against the Lyra Olympos and at least for me no contest against that Olympos set up.


Years ago too in the SS site was a link and the SG real curve and unfortunatelly SS decided to take out/off the site.

" The Italian article did a very good job of explaining to a general audience the difference between "velocity" devices and "displacement" devices.."


In a very hot dialogue where I posted PL him self posted:


" I have measured the SG in many arms, and recently in my Schroder Reference SQ, the new SG design (which you did not hear) it was +/- 1dB from 50 Hz to 12K in conformation with RIAA. ..."


That measure tell us a swing of 2db where our ears are more sensitive but the deviation from the RIAA below 50hz and over 12khz are even higher.


No problem with if what you listen like it.


Now, I understand you owned or listen to the Lino that could be better performer that your today phono stage.

I know very well the overall design of the Lino and other current mode phono stages and for personal reasons I'm not with the kind of overall designs/parts used to build those phono stages.


But that " preference "/captivated you have with and that you ""  exaggerated highs supposedly a hangover from the RIAA curve. Several reviews have noticed this. I can correct for it "" in the digital domain precludes my recomendation to you to really  arrive nearer to the recording and live MUSIC event.

My path/road is totally different from yours.





Dear @mijostyn  : I hope you don't pull the trigger on that kind of SG cartridge because make no sense to play LP recorded with the RIAA eq. curve through a dedicated phono stage with no inverse RIAA eq...


Just saying,


Dear @mijostyn  : Good, I applaud your attitude to achieve the best sound that puts you nearer to the recording and nearer to the live MUSIC.


I'm sure that your new subs will be an improvement as the new plinth however anything you do can't  carry to full success till you change the item that proccess the cartridge signal and that's is the Phonolinepreamp.


No matters what the unit you own rigth now is way inferior of what you are looking for..


Yes, it's up to you.



Dear @lewm   : "" I don't care much about frequencies below 30Hz.  I much prefer a "fast" woofer that can mate well with an ESL around the crossover point.  A seamless blend is hard to come by..""

Who told you all that including that no sense " fast " woofer or your statement came from your first hand experiences and I said " first hand experiences " because you are totally sure about. Could you explain it?

Btw, please read this link:






Dear @mijostyn  : Thia is what I posted:


Now, I think that you are not measuring what you need to measure ( I don't know what you need to measure. ) or you are doing not in the rigth way.

In theory everything can be measured " problem " is what to measure and you have to " figure " out about in ""


You posted: " sealing off the space under the turntable with a skirt. "

You with all your measure tools still does not know what happened down there with out the skirt.


" The final solution is a new plinth... ", yes that's the easy road to go that not necessary warranty success: maybe yes or maybe not.






Dear @mijostyn :  If you are using paper cone I think that you have to stay that way ( btw, I cross too at around 100hz. My Velodyne HGS are heavy modified by me because its electronics design: input and crossover are very poor but great all other design/build. ). Stay away of other cone material on subs.


Now, I think that you are not measuring what you need to measure ( I don't know what you need to measure. ) or you are doing not in the rigth way.


In theory everything can be measured " problem " is what to measure and you have to " figure " out about instead to use your time in this thread.



Dear @mijostyn  : I prefert pulp/paper as material for subs instead what you use it or even Kevlar.


The sound of natural fabrics is just that " natural ". I have the last Velodyne designs using " paper/pulp ": HGS series.



Dear @mijostyn : "" much steeper slope without phase issues. ""

I use first order high-pass and the blend between main speakers and the Velodynes are in " heaven ".

"" It was digital bass management that finally solved this problem ""

not really must be digital IMD goes really low if you cross over 80hz to 100hz and does not needs to be digital.

"" I am working on new enclosures and will use 8 instead of 4 drivers which will halve their excursions. ""

Look, contrary of what you think my take is not more drivers or more subs. What we and you need is proved bass quality performance developed by each driver and that means low bass driver it self.

Velodyne subs are the lower distortions levels in the world. Eacg bass driver in the Velodyne is monitored over 16K times at each second and when the driver distortion goes near the Velodyne limit of distortions impedes that the distortion levels goes up and no matters if the subs are developing 120db SPL.

Quality is the name of the game in overall bass management too.

I understand that you designed and builded your four subs, well maybe needs not more drivers but a different design but I can’t know for sure.

In the mean time enjoy the MUSIC with out dust cover because life is to short and you have not bougth it.


"" On my system page you can also see graphs of the frequency response at the turntable dustcover up and down. There is a definite rise in the bass but no really big peak or trough. Over 1 kHz the response drops 10 dB with the cover down ""

Maybe you are not measuring what you need to measure that can tell you what is going own down the dust cover. You like science then use it in the rigth way.



Dear @mijostyn  : I used the Denon hinges and the really heavy glass dust cover thickness were made it especially for that application as how the hinges were fixed to the onyx/marble plynths.


The glass dust covers where made by 5 sides joined each one with special silicon like.





@mijostyn  : At some time we should just seat and enjoy the MUSIC in each one room/audio system.


That " time " is different for all of us and I can see that it's not yet your time. You are still looking for the best way to arrive at the top quality level in your system.


All of us live years and years of room/system up-dates/up-grades/tweaks and the like.


Today my "time " let me enjoy more and more listening MUSIC hours and I think that my " time " is arriving to its end. Can I be sure about? well more or less.


What am I  doing on my system this weekend? something that's a necessity but not really and up-date or tweack job: my Levinson 20.6 Reference monoblocks amplifiers have around 33 years that were made and these running pure class A design over those years work with no single fault but the power supply filter capacitors  I think " needs " to be changed and that's what I'm doing. The cap´s already arrives from Mouser: Vyshay_Sprega and that's it.


Sooner or latter you will done on your room system with out missing the " fun " of those years of up-dates.





Dear @mijostyn : I don't know which kind of material you are using in the dust cover.  Years ago when I was using two Denon TTs 80/75 each one was mounted in an Onyx 50kg base and the other marble of more or less same kgs. and I was using with dust covers made it of tigthness glass really thick and I can't remember any trouble down there. Dust cover material is critical.


I don't use any more.



