Doe's anybody have any infomation on the difference between the two models and what do you think about the speaker itself?! I can't find any reviews of this speaker anywhere even though it's been around since 1982?!

I'm only familiar with the Sovereign. In terms of size and weight, as well as frequency extension, it is similar to the Dunlavy SC-V, also designed by the same man and utilizing a similar array of drivers (not the same drivers, though). It is a speaker that needs to be listened to from a distance of 10-15 feet for the drivers to integrate, in my view, and definitely needs an amp that can give it enough current to control its bass drivers, which could sound quite slow if not properly driven (it sounded quite good with early Krell KMA 200s and KRS amps, as well as the Cello Performance amps, and I know happy owners who used ARC M300s, Rowland Model 7s and the Crown Macro Reference with them). The Sovereign seemed to be a little rolled off in the highs and very full and lush in the midrange, and was (and still is) capable of outstanding performance in the right room (think big) and with the right amplification. It's a speaker that some people love and some think is bass heavy and slow (I'd blame setup for that) and therefor hate, but in my view its strength is that it does a great job of conveying the weight and soul of the music. The only review I recall of the Sovereign here in the states was in the late 80s/early 90s, when Harry Pearson got a pair at TAS and gave them a lukewarm, "great in their time, but in need of an update" review that spawned a large sell-off of these speakers in the Audiomart for as low as $4-5000. I don't know what Duntech has done to change the Sovereign over the years, but I agree with something I read in a John Marks column that a person who bought a pair of Sovereigns and Rowland amps back in the late 80s could have ignored audio changes in the past 15 years and be happily enjoying his system today. A classic speaker, in my view. Hope this was of some help; wish I could tell you about the C7000, but haven't heard it.
Thanks for the excellent reply! What I mean by the 'C7000' that is the current model as of 1996?. The 2001 are the older model.

It's 'bass heavy and slow', isn’t that a ported design term. You would think being that it's an acoustic suspension design, that it’s very tight and controlled. With such fast transient response advertised, it would be tight/fast/smack you in the jaw rock solid! Must be an amp problem (damping=control) or like you said, to small of a room. Mine room is 25'L-17'W-8'H. Is that going to be big enough to let them 'breathe'?!I have a pair on the way.....:)
I'm pretty sure the slowness in the bass is an amplifier problem--although the Sovereign was nominally an easy load to drive, it was not so in the bass. As far as your room size goes, that should about do it--you might try them on the long wall, toed in to the listening position, that's where Dunlavy suggests for his speakers and the Sovereigns are his original design. Just make sure you give them enough juice and they'll sing--another amp that may work well with them might be Spectral, I think Keith Johnson of Reference Recordings used the Sovereigns with Spectral electronics for a number of years. The older Sovereigns were very tolerant of solid state amps which might have sounded a little thin in other applications; don't know about the newer ones. Do you have a new pair on the way or an older pair?
Rc: correct.
Keith ran all Spectral electronics, all MIT cabling, lotsa power. Nothing sloppy about the sound at all.