Dunlavy SM-IIa - Experiences?

Years ago I had a pair of Dunlavy SM-1 which I stupidly sold. Many monitors since and i still miss that sound. The SM-1s are nearly impossible to come by, but I've been in contact with a gentleman here with NOS Dunlavy SC-IIa. He is selling them for $900 each. Does anyone have any experience with these monitors? Are there any differences between the speakers John sold and these that were post John? I listen to alot of acoustic music and female vocals. Any suggestions for current models that compare soundwise to the Dunlavys? Thanks in advance for your comments.

Showing 2 responses by prdprez

The SCIIa (SC2a) is essentially an SM-1 with more options on finish.

The model designation change came to avoid confusion between the SC1 and SM1.
Since the SM1 uses the same drivers as the SC2 it was the logical progression to call it SC2a.
I've spent years looking for a current model that sounds even similar to the Dunlavy's.
Solution......... I still own Dunlavys.