If you have to go with floorstanding speakers, since the monitors are not readily available, you might consider Dunlavy SC-III's which are a 3-way, 5 driver tower the same size as the SC-IIa, which is a six foot tall, 3 way, 3 driver tower. Improved frequency range and response in the SC-III's which are often sold on Audiogon for around $1500 a pair, used.
Dunlavy SM-IIa - Experiences?
Years ago I had a pair of Dunlavy SM-1 which I stupidly sold. Many monitors since and i still miss that sound. The SM-1s are nearly impossible to come by, but I've been in contact with a gentleman here with NOS Dunlavy SC-IIa. He is selling them for $900 each. Does anyone have any experience with these monitors? Are there any differences between the speakers John sold and these that were post John? I listen to alot of acoustic music and female vocals. Any suggestions for current models that compare soundwise to the Dunlavys? Thanks in advance for your comments.