Dunlavy SC IVa or B&W 802

if there are available for $4,000, which should I get for jazz, classical, sometimes movies for Musical Fidelity dual monoblock A3.2 version.

Showing 3 responses by jadem6

The room is 17'-6" x 13'-4" x 8'-0". I have set the speakers on the long wall as recommended by the speaker manufacturer. The tweeters are placed 2'-8" (approx. 1/5 the 13'-4" dim.) out from the front wall and 3'-11" (a min. of 1/3 greater than the front wall) from the side walls. This means they are 9'-8" apart and the speakers are toed at 31 ½ degrees. My head is set 4'-5"(approx. 1/3 the 13'-4" dim.) from the back wall which in turn leaves my ears at 8'-0" from the tweeters. This is a bit more "near field" than what is usual, but the recommended alternative of my head against an acoustic panel on the back wall is not possible in my room.

No competition in my mind. Dunlavy! As a matter of fact, I have watched the prices of the Dunlavy IVa and V models since they closed the doors. The first two years showed a small reduction in resale value, but now they have risen above the prices when they were in business. In fact I can sell mine for what I paid new! It will be a very cold day in ^%#* before another speaker beats the Dunlavy at the same price. Sad that John Dunlavy ran out of gas, he was a true genius at creating great performance/price speakers.
The most amazing thing about the Dunlavy is the fact that once they are dialed in (not a simple feat) those monsters simply disappear! I still sit in amazement how nothing appears to come from the two 6' behemoths sitting in my room. Very cool!