Dunlavy SC-IVa how best driven

I have been driving my B & W 801s with Northcreeks crossovers with Audio Reasearch Classic 150s upgraded with infinicaps. My preamp is an Audio Reseach Ref 2. Does the IVs require more power to sing? Thus far i've been quite pleased with the performance of my system, but after hearing the IVas driven by an x350 combined with a tube front end, I knew I had to upgrade the speakers.

Showing 2 responses by evo845

Ive also heard Duntech Princesses driven by the Classic 120,s great sound.
Jwin I ran my Dunlavy SC4a,s with a Pass x-350, But agree they sound much better with my Papworth Audio M200,s(240watt tube monos) Highly recommend tubes with Dunlavys. But I,m a tube man
I have my Dunlavys 12ft. apart 3ft. from the side wall and 4ft. from the front. The soundstage is BIG.The best tweak is roomlenes.I also think the SC4a,s sound best truely bi wired.
Unsound, Who told you 150 watts max. Most speakers sound better the more power you feed them, there are exceptions of course. But Dunlavys certainly fall into this catagory.