Dunlavy SC-IV v B&W Nautilus 802's

I interested in upgrading my speakers to more music friendly ones. Presently I am using home theater speakers (Atlantic Tech 350 system) I am looking at Dunlavy SC-IVa's and B&W Nautilus 802's. My front end is a Sony 7000 dvd/cd player and am using Aragon amps (8008bb to run mains and 8008x3 for center and rears) I have an EAD Theatermaster Encore pre/pro. My cables and interconnects are XLO ER line. I am concerned that if I choose bright speakers with this system I may get myself in trouble. I would appreciate some advise.

Showing 1 response by mimorino

Scrap both of these speakers, and try proac 2.5. My opinion is they kick the crap out of these two, and if you can afford the 3.8 it won't even be a contest.