Dunlavy's and spikes

I have a pair of SC-III's which I will be moving to a room with carpeting. I was interested in finding out if anyone has ever put spikes on their Dunlavy's? Did it make a difference? How did you do it? Do Dunlavy's on carpets benefit from spikes?
Thanks for any advice.

Showing 1 response by theaudiotweak

I used Audiopoints under the attached Dunlavy bases. Later with some fright I removed the bases and used threaded Audiopoints directly into the SC4's. This was better I felt, more direct coupling. Now I use the Sistrum SP101 and apcd coupling discs. This arrangement allows me to vertically align the the tweeters so they are the same height left to right, relative to my ears at the chair. These platforms I feel are state of the art. They greatly enhance staging both between the speakers as well as laterally. Much more texture more extension and detail. The greatest improvement was a lower noise floor while at the same time an increase of natural air. Vertical sound stage is now floor to ceiling and 9 feet high. Stage width varies with each recording. Very revealing of each production. Several recordings are all of 21 feet wide and walk out into the room as if they have no boundaries. When this happens the music is still all as one and not a system or room phase anomaly. I am proud of my 2 channel surround sound system. Tom