Dumb questions?

I have an Oddysey amp and Nestorovic speakers. The speakers have a 5-way binding post and the amp doesn't. I want to use the holes drilled into the post of both to connect new speaker cables. The hole in the amp post is about twice as large as the hole on the speaker post. I think about an 1/8" diameter for the speaker, close to 1/4" hole for the amp.(I'm not home right now) First, do I have to use a pin connector or can you put banana plugs in these holes? The hole for the speakers are too small to put bare wire through. Right now I'm using spades but I have to put one fork of the spade through the hole in the amp post because the diameter is too big to fit the whole spade around. Second, would the dealer I buy new cables from put these connectors on the cable for me as I don't know how? 3rd, any opinion on what type of connector gives the best signal transfer? (I find it difficult to tighten down spades enough) Thanks.

Showing 1 response by aewhistory

I know this thread is months old now, but on the off chance that the OP is still around I will say this: you could go with tinned bare wire. I suppose that is something of an oxymoron, but you get the idea. And I would tin with silver solder. This covers the copper and prevents oxidation of the copper, adds solidity to the bunch of loose wires (I hate having small copper wires break off or get bent), and can be a good stepping stone to adding a connector down the line.

I think others will argue that this is an inferior connector. That is for each person to judge. I think the quality of the silver solder and finning job certainly makes a difference here. I'm a mediocre solderer, so I would say my work has more material than acoustic benefit. But that's why I do it. I hate working with bare wire.... Hate it.
